How Dehumidifiers Work

How Dehumidifiers Work


Imagine enjoying a soda during a particularly warm day. When you pick up the can, you might notice that it’s wet — there’s moisture on the outside. Why is that? As air loses heat, it also begins to lose its ability to retain moisture; the colder surface pulls and collects water from the warmer air, creating condensation. Your dehumidifier does pretty much the same thing.

Most dehumidifiers can be broken down into five component parts:

  • Fan Compressor — This compresses and expands a refrigerant gas like freon to cool the dehumidifier’s coils.SUKI uses enviromentally friendly CFC Free gas
  • Reheater — This captures and collects heat that the cooling process generates.
  • Compressor cooling coils
  • Reservoir

How do all these parts fit together to pull moisture from the air? It’s fairly simple, but very effective:

  1. A fan collects moist air from the surrounding area and pulls it into the dehumidifier.
  2. As the air passes through, it comes into contact with the dehumidifier’s cooled coils. These coils use condensation to pull moisture from the air. The collected moisture remains on the coils and drips into the dehumidifier’s water tank.
  3. The dehumidifier then reheats the air and returns it back into the room warmer and dryer. Filtering the air in the process.

A dehumidifier usually has a removable plastic bucket for a reservoir; most buckets also have a place where you can hook up a hose so the collected water can drain straight into a floor drain or pump. This frees you from having to remember to dump out the water. Also ideal when your away from your home on holiday or use on a boat.

SUKI dehumidifiers also have a  variable digital display humidistat, which allows you to set your desired level of relative humidity. A humidistat has two parts: a sensing element and a relay amplifier. The sensing element includes two alternate metal conductors, and changes in relative humidity will cause electrical resistance between those conductors. The relay amplifier measures this resistance and sends a signal to turn the dehumidifier on or off. These basic components add up to a device that may make your home feel a whole lot better.

In simple terms a SUKI dehumidifier creates a more dryer and healthier environment for you and your family.

Setting up your Dehumidifier

We recommend you place the dehumidifier in every room for at least 3 days set on the lowest R/H setting (30%). Keep the windows and doors shut and open the cupboard or wardrobe doors, this will help suck out any residual dampness in clothes and wooden draws / framework etc.

You can also remove any bedding to allow airflow onto your mattress.

You will notice a difference in air quality within 1 day.

Once you have dried every room you can centralize the dehumidifier in the hallway close to the living area.

If you have a two story house you may need a second dehumidifier on the top level…. remember the average household produces around 12 liters of moisture per day just by breathing, showering and cooking alone.

If you have a basement that has poor airflow your dehumidifier will eliminate the threat of mould and unwanted dampness in this area.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with your concerns on what model to order. We are more than happy to advise the perfect solution for you.


There isn’t much you need to do. Simply remove and clean your air filter every few months in warm soapy water. We recommend you dry the filter before re fitting it


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Mini Hygrometer & Thermometer
Mini Hygrometer & Thermometer

This device is useful for monitoring the Relative Humidity level in your home. It should be placed along side your Salin Plus device. The ideal RH level is 55%. If the RH level exceeds 70%, there is a risk that your room is too damp and the Salt Filter will absorb this moisture. A damp filter can leak water as well as reducing the effectiveness of the filter. Dust mites thrive when the RH level exceeds 65%. 

It is a very useful device to have in your home, not only to ensure that humidity will not impact the performance of your Salin Plus Salt Therapy Device but also if you are prone to allergies or have reactions to moulds or mites.
