Salin Plus - How it Works

Enjoy cleaner, purer air AND the healing benefits of salt therapy at home, so you can breathe better, sleep better.

An air purifier that ALSO provides salt therapy

The Salin Plus unit disperses tiny particles of dry salt aerosol into the air while entrapping dust and other airborne pollutants through a special microcrystalline filter.

What is salt therapy?

Salt therapy (a.k.a. halotherapy) is the inhalation of very fine salt particles.

Salt is used for two reasons: it is negatively charged, like oxygen, and therefore has the ability to fight anaerobic respiratory infectionsandthrough osmosis, draws mucus away from the airways, allowing easier breathing.

The best sleep my son has had since he was a boy.Rachel, NSW

Understanding osmosis

Put simply, osmosis is a process where a liquid (usually) with a low concentration of minerals passes through a membrane towards a more concentrated solution.

For example, if you put potato slices into salt water, The water from inside the potato slice will travel towards the salt water solution. This will cause the potato to lose fluid and shrivel up.

Osmosis and our airways

If our airways are clogged with a lot of mucus, the presence of tiny salt particles through salt therapy will gently draw the fluid away from the mucus, shrinking and drying it out. This allows you to breathe more freely.

Mucus plays a vital role in our respiratory system as it traps allergens, bacteria and viruses. But if mucus is not removed from the lungs it becomes toxic, decreasing lung volume and obstructing airways. This is why salt therapy is helpful in decreasing the amount of mucus present.

Since Scarlet was three months old, shes had croup. We were in and out of hospital every two or three weeks with breathing problems. From the night we brought it home her symptoms seemed to get so much better. We are very happy with the machine. Salin Plus has really helped our family.Rebecca

How Does Salin Plus Salt Therapy Work?

The device works in two ways:

  1. The Salin Plus device contains a fan and a filter cartridge. Air is drawn into the rear of the device, trapping airborne pollutants in the filter cartridge.

  2. At the same time, air blows through the filter, which contains tiny crystallised salt particles.These salt particles are blown into the air. When inhaled, they travel through the upper and lower respiratory tract, breaking up mucus and increasing airflow.

Our daughter has been suffering from chronic breathing issues. She has had over 30 bouts in the last two years, usually requiring hospitalisation. Each time she returned from hospital and was no longer on the IV antibiotics her issueswould return within a week... The difference Salin Plus have made is amazing.Her bouts have reduced considerably...Remarkable product.Ingrid, VIC

Non-corrosive and non-toxic

The patented, award-winning technology ensures there is no corrosive effect on the environment it operates in, and the dosage remains at a safe level, even being suitable for those on low-salt diets.

As the dosage is so low, the daily recommended use is 6 to 10 hours. For this reason, we suggest using it at night.

Salin Plus salt therapy devices are available to purchase online with a 60-day money back guarantee.

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Mini Hygrometer & Thermometer
Mini Hygrometer & Thermometer

This device is useful for monitoring the Relative Humidity level in your home. It should be placed along side your Salin Plus device. The ideal RH level is 55%. If the RH level exceeds 70%, there is a risk that your room is too damp and the Salt Filter will absorb this moisture. A damp filter can leak water as well as reducing the effectiveness of the filter. Dust mites thrive when the RH level exceeds 65%. 

It is a very useful device to have in your home, not only to ensure that humidity will not impact the performance of your Salin Plus Salt Therapy Device but also if you are prone to allergies or have reactions to moulds or mites.
